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Pretty nice demo but I wonder when the game will actually come out since it's been in debug for a while now?

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The poor route is impossible bro I CANT GET PAST THE BANDIT BOSS??? WHERE ARE THE HEALING ITEMS😭😭😭😭😭

You can heal if you sleep at the inn i think, talk to them over the counter, once you get into that loop it isnt so hard :D

i hope all is going well, just posting again to check on the progress, im still hype for the game :D

Hello again, just checking in again as i do love the game a lot and was wondering when the full game may be out or how the progress was going as the game has been very fun so far :D

[Poor path] After trying many different ways, I finally reached a shrinking scene. But after that I couldn't go anywhere. I was stuck with several bushes and one flower and couldn't go anywhere. Or does it just end here?


Oh, I found out there's a jumping place after hours of searching.

Same thing happend to me lol

Good game! I had no real issues with either the Poor or the Rich side of the game. 1 minor bug is you can activate a scene for the princess in the wizard shop by interacting with the dresser on the left side of the shop. Nothing major just wanted to point out to help.

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Hay, just saw the game and started playing from the poor route, im loving it so far, just defeated the boss at the bottom of the...area, not gonna spoil it, but then i found a way to get to where i need to go for materials, but they cost a ton of money which i had to spend on gear for the boss, i have no idea how i am meant to get it and keep going as none of the enemies respawn to grind and the bandits were the only ones to drop money, ill keep looking for now, but man, the game is a ton of fun so far :D

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Thanks for playing! I'll be sure to keep this in mind for the full game. 

Remember that the poor version of Robin is a thief and can steal from some shop owners. You can make some money this way after a certain point in the game. Maybe I should expand this mechanic more in the final version...

to add on to this, if you fail at robbing them and get caught, you can’t enter their shops or rob them again. So…depending on how events go, you might be just softlocked for a point where you need money for “special items” (you know what I’m talking about). 

Maybe you could add in an option to steal said “special items”, which could cause issues for the player later in the game if they decide to steal rather than pay for the items?

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Heya! Just a couple bugs I encountered. If you choose the rich lifestyle, in the beginning dialogue with the butler, if you go through it too fast, the game bugs out and wont progress (I assume this is because of a trigger that's supposed to happen when he runs back to you after walking away and calling you hard-headed). If you wait though it works just fine.

Also, as a noble when talking to the banker, I'm just softlocked. The first time I talked to him all he said was "Do be careful with what you find back there. Those are people's life savings", and nothing besides that. Not entirely sure what I did here to bug it out, as I progressed through the game normally up to this point.

As a side thing, idk if it's gonna be like this for the rest of the game/the full game, but the rich path seems remarkably easier. I'm genuinely unsure if it's even possible to win the second fight as the poor path, let alone the whole section there, as healing so far is incredibly scarce, and it feels like I do less damage and take more. Ofc, this could all be purposeful, but still a lil curious about it.

*Edit:* So, I found out my issue was that I was clicking on the NPCs and such to talk to them instead of pressing the interact button. Which also led me to not realize you could sleep in the inn...Which makes the poor path much easier now that I'm able to heal...Whoops!

Btw, I'm looking forward to seeing how this game goes! It's cool that you can do sort of "unmarked" side quests, and I'm curious as to how it'll change things as a whole.

Thanks for giving it a try! Really appreciate you for point out those bugs-- I'll be sure to clean them up in the full game. 

As for the difficulty difference... yes it's intentional. The poor path should be harder in the beginning, but easier after the "mid-point" of the game (don't want to spoil it in the comments), since the characters don't have good armor/weapons and a limited amount of money. On the other hand, the rich path should be the opposite: easier in the beginning and harder in the second half.  However, neither one should be impossible, so maybe I need to tone down the poor path more in the final version.

To add on to what I said, I didn’t realize there was a way to rest/heal as the poor path at first (because I was clicking to interact rather than hitting the interact key). Of course, knowing this now, it made the beginning portion of the game much more manageable, still difficult, but not nigh impossible as I originally thought it was.

I'm really looking forward to how this game turns out, and I’m excited to see how the rest of the game turns out, and how the branching paths will change how things go in the story! (Also, personally I’m a huge fan of seeing what game overs/scenes I can find, so I’m looking forward to seeing what ya have planned!)